Know Yourself To Grow Yourself

Discover your strengths, communication & leadership styles, motivators and ideal work environment.

Law of Awareness

The Law of Awareness states that you MUST know yourself to GROW yourself. Understanding who you are, how you communicate and how you relate to others is the first step to building great relationships and influencing others positively.


As a John Maxwell Team Certified DISC Trainer, I provide you with the opportunity to know your strengths and communication style through a DISC assessment. You can then follow up the assessment with a debrief session or coaching calls to help you develop & implement your own personal growth plan.

Explore the following options below to see what works best for you!



Are you ready for Awareness?  

Everyone you meet is wired differently, communicates differently and views tasks and relationships differently. The Maxwell DISC Profile Assessment will help you achieve greater success when you learn to value your strengths as well as those of others.

The first step in any personal growth journey is self awareness. 

What if you could:

  • Tap into your greatest motivations,
  • Dramatically improve your relationships, and
  • Accelerate your results at home and at work? 

The John Maxwell Team DISC Behaviour Analysis Report gives you insight into your own personality and communication style, and helps you map out a plan for personal and professional growth.

 Are you ready to CHANGE & ACCELERATE your GROWTH?  

Getting and reading a report is ok for some, but I believe you are interested in really understanding yourself, and how you can start to make a real difference in your personal growth. 
If so let’s set up a 60-minute call, and I’ll walk you through the most important factors in your MDPI report.
This will set you up to formulate your own Personal Growth Plan.

Are you ready for TRANSFORMATION?

The best way to accomplish your personal & professional goals is having a plan!  

If you’re ready to kickstart your personal development, let’s take all the information in your DISC report, the feedback you gain from the 1-hour debrief, and map out a comprehensive Personal Growth Plan.

Afterwards you’ll get TWO coaching sessions to kickstart you to implement your plan.

I’ll walk you through the most powerful ways to leverage your growth plan to put you on your path to authentic leadership. 


I reached out to Detol  as I was having some challenges with,  my new team. I moved into a new leadership role; a very different environment from what I’d been used to before, with different personalities, some that were a little bit difficult to manoeuvre, given my own personality.

Detola listened intently and recommended that I do a DISC personality assessment and debrief session. I had taken DISC in the past, but this was years ago.  I don’t believe I was in a leadership role at the time but it really helped me.

I think what helped me this time was self-awareness and awareness of others and how they approach things. I am still learning how to apply some of the elements and need to even step more into it.

I think the greatest piece of the puzzle for me was self-awareness of my own makeup and my own style, as well as easily detecting the style of others.

The debrief session was extremely helpful as well as the Super Working Mum Academy PLUS program on Everyone Communicates Few Connect, that I went through. It helped me think through different scenarios, being intentional about how I engage with various personalities and how I can maximise my relationships, in spite of differences.

I think it’s a great opportunity. I think everybody needs to have an opportunity to just really see things from that lens and it will help in any kind of relationship: marriage, friendships, work, relationships, business relationships, to really help, drive that effective communication. Thank you.

Kemi Akindutire

HR Transformation- PMO Senior Manager

I had a really good debrief session! I got clarity on how to move forward and manage my new client better. I recommend DISC and at least a debrief session for anyone who wants to improve their results at work.

Ola Thomas

Online Business Manager