by Dets | Apr 11, 2017 | birthday, lessons of life
Today is my birthday and I am grateful.
Actually I have mixed feelings.
The last time I was *really* excited about my birthday was two years ago.
Last year I got into a very pensive mood. Same this week. A part of me feels guilty for not jumping up and down that it is my birthday but the other side says “girl you are growing up, you can’t be jumping up and down.” lol.
by Dets | Mar 23, 2017 | identity, retreat
The 9th Super Working Mum weekend retreat took place on the 17th-19th of March at Ashburnham place.
It was a beautiful experience hanging out with some other mums. It was a time of healing and letting go of pain in God’s presence.

On Saturday we had a lovely guest speaker- Dr Micha Jazz (a presenter on Premier Radio and a Spiritual Director) and his lovely wife Jayne Jazz. We learnt how to create intimacy with God even with a busy schedule. (more…)
by Dets | Feb 15, 2017 | purpose
Thank you for stopping by my personal blog! 🙂
For about 3 years I took a break from personal blogging to focus on building my business website/blog- Super Working Mum but for some time now I have had the nudge to re visit my personal blog where I can share a lot of my musings on my journey to living purposefully! So here we are!
I hope you stick around and muse with me 🙂
I have a question for you today- what are you on earth for? What is the assignment God has given you to do on planet earth?